The Good Go(o)ds

Home protectors and religious attitudes in the connected home.

What if, in an hypothetical future, our relationship with domotic tools is defined as a vertical connection like it was in ancient times between people and God?
As “connectedness” is due to become a more and more mundane feature of our homes, we will less and less conceive domestic life without the comforts brought by thecontinuous dialogue between us and a range digitally enabled devices.

Still, while technology is often associated with very transient devices – subject to quick obsolescence and aimed at making life tasks quicker and smoother -, the house preserves a feeling of “timelessness”: a place where aging is welcomed as added value, where time can be purposefully wasted. Good go(o)ds challenges the notion of “smartness” beyond the modern dream of a streamlined, effortless life made possible by a series of little talkative e-butlers.

It ironically yet thoughtfully explores thepotential for a different interaction between human and machine. It rethinks the services provided by theconnected home as favours granted by household spirits, entities looking after it in exchange for respects being paid by its inhabitants. It replaces the obsession with efficiency – embodied by apps and touch screens – with slower, more tangible, physically engaging interactions with totemic entities, regulating respectively the home environment (light and temperature), household safety and data privacy.

The Good G(o)ods is collaborative project conceived in collaboration with the Super Superficial Design Collective composed by Fabrizio Garda, Marta Monge, Giulia Liverani and Marco Signoretto.

The project has been showcased at the London Design Festival 2016 within the The Good Home project exhibition at London Digital Catapult.


2024© All content by Fabrizio Garda. Thanks for stopping by ︎