HP® Printables -
Pride Illustrations

︎︎︎ Illustrations
As part of the 2021 Pride campaign, the communication agency GS&P for HP®, asked me to create two illustrations, that represented two special themes, very dear to me. The request was to design two illustrations, the first would focus on the representation of the pronouns I identify myself with, the second was meant to showcase my relationship with the LGBTQIA+ community.

These illustrations are free and available for
download at HP® Printables website︎︎︎ ︎

︎Role - Illustrator
︎Clients - HP & GS&P
︎Glued Poster Mockup - Unio CS

︎Oatmeal Aged Font - RetroSupply Co.

Thanks to:
Howie Mapson from GS&P for getting in touch and supporting along the process.

Pronouns Poster Concept

The main purpose of this illustration is to spark a conversation around the theme of pronouns.
In my case, I identify myself as he/him/his, but at the same time, I reckon that the masculine pronouns are the most afflicted by the stereotypes of what a "real man" should look like.

Since I am a gay man, I often find myself at the edge of the definition. Sometimes people see us as lesser of "real" men so I thought to represent all of the classical elements of the alpha man stereotype, and depict them with a more feminine twist.

Few Statistics

︎︎︎ Layers used: 59
︎︎︎ Total Strokes: 2729
︎︎︎ Production Time: 4h 39m

Pride Poster Concept

For the second poster, the purpose was to represent my relationship with the LGBTQIA+ community. Pride month is a moment of community when people can show up on the streets together, and march to be recognized for their true selves by society.

I thought to pay special attention to the idea of community, ready to embrace diversity. The claim here states "Proud of each other" to pay special attention to how much the community we belong to, is important to us. 

Few Statistics

︎︎︎ Layers used: 57
︎︎︎ Total Strokes: 4406
︎︎︎ Production Time: 6h 55m


Get in touch

All content by Fabrizio Garda.
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